keep ryzn blog

Whats Happening at ryzn HQ?
OUR CORE COLLECTION Our staple active pieces are apart of our core collection! Whats a core collection? It basically means the staple active items in midnight black are here to stay! Our staples are definitely designed for their purpose, a...
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CHAPTER 3 - What keeps me ryzn?
I want you to keep ryzn for yourself and your whanau, to find your why, your motivators, aspirations, desires and to be inspired. To create and live your most healthy lifestyle possible. To dream big, achieve goals & believe in yourself!
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CHAPTER 2 - Raised by a village
Chapter 2/3 Raised by a village!! When you order from ryzn you truly are supporting a small family business - I do everything myself from answering your queries (yes, that’s me Jamie on the other end of your email- hi!)...
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CHAPTER 1 - Why does ryzn exist?

Kiaora - I’m Jamie Lee. I am the director and founder of ryzn collection.  I have always had a passion for health, fitness and clothing which is one of the reasons I started ryzn collection. 

ryzn means to rise, or rising. 

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