Chocolate Rice Bubble Balls (Refined Sugar Free & Vegan)

Chocolate Rice Bubble Balls (Refined Sugar Free & Vegan)

This recipe is super easy and a delicious healthy, vegan, refined sugar free snack that you can whip up for you and your whanau in minutes. No blending required, just throw it all in a bowl and mix. When we make these we use almond butter for our recipe because my daughter Taeo has a peanut sensitivity. Almond butter can be quite pricey if you are not making it yourself. You can swap out the almond butter for any other nut butter that you have in your pantry. If you want to make this nut free, use hulled tahini. Have a bit of fun and get your kids involved, they can help roll the balls, my 2 year old loves it. 


  • 1/2 cup almond butter
  • 1/3 cup rice malt syrup
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil (liquid)
  • 1/4 cup cacao
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 cups of puffed rice or rice bubbles
  • 1/2 cup desiccated coconut


1. Grab a medium size bowel and place almond butter, rice malt syrup and coconut oil into a bowl and combine.      

2. Add the cacao, salt and extract to bowl and mix until well combined.  

3. Add the rice bubbles and desiccated coconut and mix until rice bubbles are well covered in liquid mixture.

4. Finally form the mixture into balls with your hands. You will make around 10-12 balls from this mixture. Place in the fridge to set for an hour. 

5. Eat and enjoy. Can be stored in the fridge for up to a week. 



Want to make these paleo-friendly? swap out rice malt sweetner for pure maple syrup or honey and rice bubbles with puffed buckwheat. 

To make the ball rolling a little easier, dust your hands with cacao or wet them slightly. 

This recipe was inspired by the lovely Bianca Slade at Wholefood Simply. I have used a lot of her recipes over the years and have been kindly given the permission to re-share some of them on the ryzn blog. I have adjusted the original recipe slightly. I will feature a few of my favourite creations from her blog.  

If you want to check out her amazing recipes and blog head to




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