CHAPTER 2 - Raised by a village

Raised by a village!!
When you order from ryzn you truly are supporting a small family business - I do everything myself from answering your queries (yes, that’s me Jamie on the other end of your email- hi!) to designing and taking the most of the photos you see of our products on the website.
All of the models we use at ryzn are not professionals but rather whanau and friends. They are real people of all shapes and sizes so you know what your item will really look like when it arrives.
Although I take care of the business and most orders from beginning to end, I am not alone. I have a crew of supportive whanau and friends behind me, like the models you see on my website, cheering me on every step of the way.
When you place an order from ryzn you too become part of that family, and we become your cheerleader - here cheering you on to keep ryzn!
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