CHAPTER 1 - Why does ryzn exist?

Kiaora - I’m Jamie Lee. I am the director and founder of ryzn collection. I have always had a passion for health, fitness and clothing which is one of the reasons I started ryzn collection.
ryzn means to rise, or rising.
I am not only a small business owner, I am also a Sonographer. I pursued a career in medical imaging because when I was 15 years old I watched my koro’s health deteriorate as a result of cancer which he eventually passed away from. This experience is what sparked my interest in health and well-being and a few days before he died, I promised him that this would be the path that I would follow.
I wanted to help people; help people like my koro. It was at that moment in my life that I also made a promise to myself that I will try to live the most healthy life possible.
My passion for being active came with being healthy; They go hand in hand.
I had a great role model when it came to being active and ryzn was created to be that role model for not only my kids and whanau but the wider community.
I remember watching my dad training every day and his determination and commitment to achieve his training goals. I saw as a little girl that if you commit yourself, work hard and have the determination you can achieve your goals. This is something that I live by and have always kept in mind over the last 10 years of building ryzn, my career and my life.
ryzn is where I promote living a healthy lifestyle and encourage being active. It is where as a collective we can all inspire and motivate each other. To inspire and motivate your inner goal getter and athlete. To encourage you to live your most healthy lifestyle for you and your whanau. To evoke feelings of joy and happiness when you put on your ryzn pieces and see yourself and think, yes I look good.
A good workout and set can be empowering, motivating and inspiring. There is nothing more dis-empowering than activewear or clothing that's uncomfortable and unflattering. Our pieces are stylish, functional and comfortable. Pieces that are designed to make you feel good and support you on your wellness journey.
Love it girl! So proud of you! Your sticking true to what you believe and that’s showed through who you are and exemplified by your active wear range! You can throw on ryzn gear and feel fab!
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